Friday, November 26, 2010

Hilton Head Beach

I was giving Denise (my daughter-in-law) a lesson in watercolor from real life. We painted on the balcony looking out over the ocean. I describing shapes, perspective, locating the subject matter etc. When we got home I put it away and this fall took it out of the pile and used acrylic paints to describe the ocean better than the way I had painted in watercolor. I love the subject matter and especially the company I had painting with me.
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  1. that painting is 7 x 10" i will post on etsy for $40 if you want it.

  2. How nice that you can share your painting with your daughter in law, this is a great painting, Hilton Head is a favorite of my family.

  3. how nice of you to follow me, I get a kick out of your starving artists comment. Have you ever tried to give someone a painting and find by their expression perhaps you made a mistake. I am very unintuitive that way and I have people I love pick their own painting from a pile I have gathered and am always surprised at what they pick
